Matt and Justin have always lived in a small town. They've been friends together for a long
time. They were on the same basketball team in their earlier years and have always had an interest in music. In
June of 2001 Matt's mom got re-married and they moved to Harlan, just down the road from Justin. They started
hanging out a lot. Sometime after school began in 2001, Matt and some friends from his old school wanted to start a
band. They were going to have Justin as one of the guitar players. That band ended before it even got started.
They never had anytime to practice. And Matt was the only one that had ever even met Justin.
After the realization that the other band wasn't going to work out Matt moved on. In March/April
of 2002 Matt and his friend James Stearley were talking about starting a band. They started writing songs together and formed
what was then Osiris.
It started off as just Matt and James. Matt was going to play bass and James was going
to do vocals. They definately needed more people. Matt Bob picked Justin to play guitar since he was supposed
to be in the other band. After discussing several possibilties for a drummer they finally chose Jennie Clausen.
They had a couple of practices at Jennie's house and never really did anything together after that.
Matt and James were going to try to pull it off with just the two of them and a drum machine. But, James ended up quiting
school and the drum machine was lost. That ended Osiris.
In the meantime, Matt and Justin were still fucking around with shit and writing songs together.
They decided to start their own group, drop the Osiris name and take off by themselves. They decided on the name ZeroDefect
around August of 2003. They practiced under that name and never got to do any shows or get any recording done when the
bad news came. The name was taken.
After very little thought Matt had came up with a name, Too Far To Fall. It just kinda
popped into his head, sounded cool, and looked pretty bad ass when it was written. They kept practicing, churning
out the kick ass songs and after several line-up changes are where they are today.